Thursday, January 13, 2005

Is God Silence?

The day after Christmas in year 2004, the world particularly in the Asia region was shocked by the nature's act - earthquake event called 'Tsunami', hundreds of thousands people died, children lost their parents, some are still being identified, and some are still being searched until now in the new year of 2005. Nobody expect this to happen as the year 2004 approaching to its end. Another tragedy that people have to suffer and is a very bad one.

One cannot stop thinking in the midst of this tragedy, where is God and why is He silence? There is no easy answer to this, perhaps there won't be any 'satisfaction' answer to comfort those people in the tragedy.

Job in the Old Testament of the Bible experienced the most painful moment in his life, a good man, but somehow must face a painful reality which he lost everything - family, wealth, even he, himself did not escape from what so called 'disease'. His agony was very painful, searching for an answer why it happened to him. At the end, did God answered his question? Well to make things more dissapointed the answer is 'No' instead God's answer was somehow a unique one - taking Job to a tour of 'creation' but yet it is at this time that Job's faith was strengthen, and that he could see the sovereignty of God even though his question is not being answered. God is still in control.

When Jesus was crucified on the cross, He cried out 'Father, Father, why have You forsaken me?' Did Jesus get an answer from His question? Again, no. And He died. Is God silence and in control? On the third day, Jesus rose up from the death, and His dead, resurrection were nothing less God's purpose so that mankind can be saved from the sins of this 'fallen' world and have eternal life.

Is God silence?

People from all over the world are now united helping those who are in the 'Tsunami' tragedy. The sun will always come out after the cloudy/rainy day. Perhaps if God is silence, we will never exist, the whole creation may never exist in the first place.

Keep praying for those who are in the 'Tsunami' tragedy that God may give them encouragement, comfort and strength in this troubled time.

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