Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Let's Forgive

Recently, I attended BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) which the lessons are taken from the whole book of Genesis for this year, 2006.

I have heard so many times the story of Joseph in the past, but somehow this time the story (lesson) which was discussed at BSF has a huge impact on me. The more I read about it, the more I realize of how rich the story was.

In the midst of the unjust, suffering and painful circumstances as follow:

1. Sold as a slave as a result of the jealousy of his brothers.
2. Being imprisoned as a result of the lies of Potiphar's wife.
3. Being forgotten by the cupbearer (the prisoner who was helped by Joseph).

Yet, Joseph hold on on his faith, persevere and trusting that God is always with him. Indeed, the Bible recorded so many times throughout the life of Joseph that the LORD is with him ( LORD's hand is with him ).

The thing that challenge me in the story of Joseph that there is this 'reconciliation' process that takes place between Joseph and his brothers at the end. Joseph did not hold grudges, instead embracing his brothers and save their lives from the severe famine that took place in the region at the time. The bad things that happened to him in the past are no longer matter now, all he wants to do towards his brothers is to FORGIVE and to RECONCILE. Let gone be by gone ...

Perhaps this is the beauty of the story in which at the end God's grace transforms Joseph in a such away that he could say as follow to his brothers:
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
Genesis 50:20

Perhaps it is very difficult to share honestly about the pain that we go through in life and yet to forgive towards a person or a group of people that involved. In having said that, by God's grace and His love in Jesus Christ who died to reconcile between man and God so that everyone of us can have eternal life, let that transforms each of us as in Joseph.

Go and gently share the hurt and the pain that we go through especially with the person involved and let's forgive and reconcile towards one another while we still have the chance.

Indeed, the book of Genesis opens my eyes to see the faithfulness of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph himself, and most importantly the faithfulness, the sovereignty and the love of God towards His people.

May God be with all of us ... Amen

Monday, August 28, 2006

Change My Heart, O God

Change my heart o God
Make it ever true
Change my heart o God
May I be like You

You are the Potter,
I am the clay
Make me and Mould me
This is what I pray

This is one of my favourite songs which often reminds me to be true to God, also the longing to be like Him, and to follow His footsteps faithfully.

No matter how long you have become a Christian or perhaps involved in the church ministry as a pastor, elder, worship leader, usher, and much more; One cannot deny as the song said, to always check your heart.

It is so easy for christians to be caught up in becoming self righteous and somehow are no longer in the need of Him because perhaps we feel that we have all the knowledge ( intelectually ) inside out, or perhaps we boast on our own effort in growing the church, or perhaps we are too busy with the church program(s), and perhaps still much more ...

In the midst of all these, have we ever taken a time to sit down quietly and to reflect on our hearts sincerely and in prayer asking God to constantly transform our hearts and mould our hearts while we continue this journey as His followers ?

A heart that reflects on Jesus to become a blessing for others and bring glory to Him.

Do we long for this ?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Church in 21st Century

Lately, I have been wrestling a lot on the subject of 'Church in the 21st Century'.

I have seen many varieties on the development of Churches in this 21st Century particularly dealing with the 'physical' nature of a church. Starting from the subject of the church building until the use of multimedia/technology. Some churches remove the 'cross' symbol as part of the new building project, some introduce 'cafe' style kind of building where people can buy a cup of coffee or cakes or other hot food inside the church, some will have a Christian bookshop, and perhaps much more which I may not be aware of. Multimedia technology has also been used as part of the worship time, projecting the announcements, songs and perhaps much more. The lighting also plays a role in this 21st century churhes, so many lighting projecting to the centre of the pulpit with so many varieties of colours, even the chairs also play a significant role.

Why does a church need to remove the 'cross' where it is the symbol of Christianity ? Not saying that we worship the 'cross' but one cannot deny it is the identity of Christian faith.

Why does a church need to introduce a 'food bar' or 'cafe' ? If the church is really serious about this in order to reach out to the community, then why the church doesn't provide this service for free not even receiving a single cent ?

Why is there so much colourful lighting as if it is an entertainment centre?

I honestly couldn't stop thinking why the church needs to do this drastic changes. Is it to keep up with the changes in the society on how they perceive what a church is ? Is the church afraid on losing its relevancy to the community ? Is the church afraid losing its congregation (ie. numbers) ? Thus, it needs to do this drastic changes.

Sometimes, I wonder in the midst of this drastic changes, has the church lost its focus? Has the church lost its identity ? Has the church really placed God as the only head ?

I wonder whether there is still 'reverence' to God with all the hypes of this drastic changes.

I wonder if the church becomes the same as the world in this century, the only difference perhaps adding the name/label 'Jesus' or 'Christ' but the way it has been managed/run is no difference with secular organisation.

I wonder if the church becomes 'commercial' driven rather than 'humility' driven as the servant of Christ ?